11 Pacotes De Rosto Simples Usando Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)


Vídeo: 11 Pacotes De Rosto Simples Usando Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)

Vídeo: 11 Pacotes De Rosto Simples Usando Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)
Vídeo: Asmr #mukbang/roasted multani mitti/roasted fuller's earth clay/жареный земляная глина фуллера 2024, Abril
11 Pacotes De Rosto Simples Usando Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)
11 Pacotes De Rosto Simples Usando Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)

Muito consciente do seu orçamento para fazer uma limpeza facial ou facial no salão? Depois, experimente Multani mitti - uma solução natural para todos os seus problemas de pele.

Como você deve ter adivinhado, dedicamos uma postagem inteira às diferentes maneiras como podemos usar Fuller's Earth ou Multani mitti. Desde obter uma pele lisa e flexível, até reduzir todas as manchas escuras e tom de pele irregular - multani mitti tem uma solução para tudo. Também é conhecido por ser um excelente agente de limpeza da pele. Ajuda a limpar todo o óleo, sujeira e células mortas que se acumularam na pele devido à exposição ao sol e à poluição.

Continue lendo para saber mais sobre este ingrediente incrível e como você pode usá-lo em vários pacotes em casa para banir seus problemas de pele.

O que é Multani Mitti?


Então, o que é Multani mitti? Por que seu nome vem da cidade de Multan?

No século 18, uma porção de argila de cal foi extraída da cidade de Multan, e os habitantes ficaram surpresos com suas incríveis propriedades de limpeza. Sua popularidade cresceu tanto que foi recomendado para limpar e reabastecer monumentos antigos.

E agora, vários anos depois, multani mitti se tornou parte de todos os lares, sendo usada para vários fins - desde resfriar a pele até fazê-la brilhar. Este ingrediente tradicional para o cuidado da pele é rico em minerais, como o silicato de alumínio, que oferece altas propriedades de absorção que deixam a pele fresca e radiante.

Multani mitti é altamente benéfico para a pele oleosa e com tendência a acne. Seu conteúdo de cal é conhecido por matar bactérias nocivas e remover o excesso de óleo e sujeira, deixando a pele limpa e macia. Oferece um efeito refrescante à pele e alivia a inflamação causada por acne grave. Terra Fuller também ajuda a apertar a pele, o que reduz ainda mais as rugas e linhas finas. Se você tem pele seca ou normal, multani mitti não irá decepcioná-lo!

Mas, como as pessoas dizem, 'Grandes coisas vêm em um pacote'. Multani mitti, quando usado junto com vários outros ingredientes, pode ser ainda mais benéfico. Vamos ver como!

Pacotes faciais Multani Mitti

  1. Pele oleosa
  2. Pele mais macia
  3. Pele sem manchas
  4. Pele radiante
  5. Livre-se das manchas escuras
  6. Obtenha uma pele tonificada e sem oleosidade
  7. Justiça
  8. Pele uniforme
  9. Pele pigmentada
  10. Bronzeado
  11. Cicatrizes de acne

1. Para pele oleosa

Pacote facial Multani Mitti e água de rosa


Troubled by your oily-greasy and pimple-prone skin?

Utilizing multani mitti and rose water paste as a face pack can actually help you say goodbye to oily and unmanageable skin within a few uses. Multani mitti and rose water mask balances the skin’s pH level, naturally cools it, and reduces oiliness. It also removes the outer dead skin, leaving you with oil-free and glowing skin.

  • 1 small cup multani mitti
  • 2 tablespoons rose water
How To Make
  1. Mix multani mitti and rose water till they form a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this homemade, pretty-smelling pack on your face evenly and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash it off after it completely dries. Your skin will become smooth and oil-free.

Repeat this process at least thrice a week for best results.

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2. For Softer Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Almond And Milk


Want a skin that could rival a baby’s?

Multani mitti, when mixed with the goodness of almonds and milk, can make your skin smoother and softer. Well, this could come as a blessing to many of us, especially for those who have dry skin that screams for moisture.

  • 1 tablespoon crushed and ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon raw milk
  • 1 small cup multani mitti
How To Make
  1. Make a smooth paste with multani mitti, almond paste, and milk and let it rest for a minute.
  2. Apply it on a freshly washed and dried skin. Scrub the pack off with the help of a sponge after it dries.

Use this pack twice a week for smooth and supple skin.

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3. For Spot-Free Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Tomato Juice


Do you want to get rid of those dark and ugly spots on your face?

We all know that tomato juice is a good exfoliant, but did you know that using it with multani mitti can make your skin glowing and spot-free? A paste of multani mitti, tomato juice, and sandalwood powder will help reduce the facial spots and a dash of turmeric powder will provide the required glow.

  • 2 tablespoons tomato juice
  • 2 tablespoons multani mitti
  • 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
How To Make
  1. Make a paste by mixing all the ingredients.
  2. Apply it on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

Use this multani mitti face pack for glowing skin regularly.

Caution: Tomato juice doesn’t suit everybody, so do a patch test on the underside of your wrist before using it in the face pack.

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4. For Radiant Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Honey


Are you tired of your dull and lifeless skin?

Going out in the harsh and dreadful sun can be troublesome for many of us, especially when it sucks out the radiance from your skin. Taking extra precautions other than using SPF cream and covering your face can come in handy at this time. If you want to bring back your lost glow, use this pack.

  • 3 tablespoons multani mitti
  • 1 teaspoon tomato juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon raw milk
How To Make
  1. Mix multani mitti powder, tomato juice, honey, lemon juice, and a little milk.
  2. Apply on the face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

Use this at least one a week to achieve radiant skin.

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5. To Get Rid Of Dark Patches

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Mint Leaves


Dark patches can be really embarrassing, especially when present in very visible areas. They make us dependent on market products that promise best results, but to no avail. Use the multani mitti, mint leaves, and yogurt face pack and find those dark patches vanish within a month.

  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon mint leaves powder
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
How To Make
  1. Mix a tablespoon each of multani mitti, mint leaves powder, and yogurt.
  2. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water to get rid of those dark patches within no time.

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6. To Achieve A Toned And Oil-Free Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Sandalwood Powder


Dreaming of getting a toned and refined skin like that of a runway model?

Did you know that getting a toned and pretty face naturally can be a real easy affair? Well, use this face pack made of sandalwood powder, multani mitti, and raw milk, and bask in the feeling of looking like a model.

  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw milk
  1. Mix sandalwood powder with multani mitti and a few drops of milk.
  2. Apply over your face for 20 minutes and keep it on for some time. Then, rinse with water.

Do it twice a week for best results.

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7. For Fairness

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Papaya Pulp


Using papaya pulp to make your skin glow and keep it healthy is an age-old practice. And utilizing it in a face pack along with honey and multani mitti gives even better results.

  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon papaya pulp
How To Make
  1. Mix a tablespoon each of multani mitti, honey, and papaya fruit pulp to form a paste.
  2. Apply it evenly to your freshly washed face and remove it after it dries off completely.

Repeat it twice or thrice every week to obtain flawless skin.

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8. For Even Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Egg White


Tired of your uneven complexion?

There are many factors that lead to an uneven skin tone, including exposure to the sun as well as hormonal changes. Getting an even skin tone is no longer a messy and expensive task. Just go for the multani mitti-egg white pack and experience the difference.

  • 1/4 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 egg white (beaten well)
How To Make
  1. This face pack for toning uneven skin tone includes multani mitti, yogurt, and beaten egg white. Mix all the ingredients to form a paste.
  2. Apply this paste on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

This pack evens your skin tone and makes it flawless.

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9. To Treat Pigmented Skin

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Carrot Pulp


Freckles can be cute, but not so many!

Getting rid of pigmented and ugly skin has been made easier. Just use the carrot pulp-multani mitti pack and see for yourself. The goodness of carrots will help in reducing the pigments and olive oil will provide the much-desired moisture to your skin.

  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon carrot pulp
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  1. Mix multani mitti with some carrot pulp and olive oil.
  2. Apply this pack on your face and leave it on for some time.
  3. Rinse with water.

Use this pack at least twice a week for best results.

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10. To Treat Sun Tan

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Coconut Water


Looking forward to get rid of that undesired tan?

Tanning may be considered a fashion statement across the world, but it can be really painful sometimes. However, you can get rid of the tan with the combined powers of coconut water and multani mitti. Multani mitti and coconut are both known for their cooling nature. Hence, this pack removes tan and makes your skin radiant.

  • 1 tablespoon multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon coconut water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
How To Make
  1. Mix multani mitti with coconut water and a little sugar.
  2. Apply on the affected areas and wash with warm water.

Do this twice a week for best results.

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11. For Acne Scars

Multani Mitti Face Pack With Lemon Juice


Wanna get rid of stubborn pimples? Multani mitti to the rescue, again!

The excessive oil secretion in your skin leads to uncontrolled progress of acne. You can bid farewell to acne by using this particular face pack.

  • 2 tablespoons multani mitti
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon rose water
How To Make
  1. Blend all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this face pack on your freshly washed skin and let it dry for about half an hour.
  3. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

The regular usage of this pack helps in controlling oil secretion in our skin, thus preventing acne.

Note: You can add neem powder or clove powder to the paste for even better results.

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How To Make The Perfect Multani Mitti Face Pack


Making a face pack is easy, and it doesn’t need much expertise. It’s just like making juice – just know your ingredients, and it’s done. The best part is that you won’t have to leave the comfort of your home. Isn’t that just great?

For making the perfect multani mitti face pack, take a small plastic bowl and add multani mitti to it. Now, add in the different ingredients (like milk, honey, or rose water) and whip it into a smooth paste that carries no bubbles.

Make sure that your paste is neither very stiff nor very watery. You can check its consistency from time to time by dipping your little finger in it. If it is grainy and sticky, you need to add more multani mitti to it. If it feels very rough, add a few drops of rose water to it.

Keep in mind to wash the bowl immediately after you are done with the application as multani mitti is quick to harden, which may cause some trouble in washing off later on.

Benefits Of Using Multani Mitti Face Packs


Multani mitti is not a popular face pack base for nothing. It carries some distinguished properties, which cannot be found in other market products. These properties help it cure a lot of skin troubles. And it is super cheap too, so you don’t have to worry about your budget. Let’s look at the benefits of using multani mitti:

The application of this ingredient opens up clogged pores and cleanses your skin

Multani mitti removes the dead cells and makes your skin glow

The regular usage of multani mitti has been found to improve the skin’s texture by several folds

Evenly massaging the face pack onto your face is known to promote blood circulation, which nourishes your skin and makes it glow

Multani mitti comes as a blessing to people with oily skin due to its natural tendency to be a great absorber. The regular usage of multani mitti draws excess oil from the skin and makes it smooth

It is found to effective in reducing pimples too

While reading about these amazing face packs, you might be having some doubts regarding their usage and other stuff. No worries, here are some answers to a few of your queries.

Expert’s Answers for Reader’s Questions

Can we use multani mitti face pack daily?

We all know that anything in excess is nothing but harmful for our skin. Same goes for multani mitti. Even though it is devoid of any side effects, its daily usage can pull out all the natural moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and dull. I would suggest that you go for a face pack with multani mitti twice a week.

How to apply multani mitti face pack?

Applying a face pack can be quite a task if you are not careful enough. As for the multani mitti face pack, you need to be extra careful as it is quick to dry. For proper application, take some of the paste onto your index and middle fingers and spread it evenly onto your face, taking one area at a time. You can begin by applying it on the cheeks first, and then proceed to the forehead, nose, and chin. Do not ignore your neck.

How to store multani mitti?

Você pode prolongar a vida da multani mitti armazenando-a em uma jarra hermética em um local fresco e seco, longe do calor e do ar direto. Você pode até refrigerá-lo. Apenas certifique-se de comprar mitti multani de alta qualidade, pois uma ruim pode causar infecções de pele.

Quais são as marcas populares quando se trata de multani mitti?

Bem, hoje em dia, não há nada que não esteja disponível online. No entanto, um pouco de atenção sempre ajuda. Você pode escolher marcas como Natural Healthplus Care, Forest Essentials, Le'ayur e Ayur.

Como você viu, multani mitti tem uma solução para todos os seus problemas de pele. Então, o que você está esperando? Use-o hoje e compartilhe sua experiência conosco.


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